.. _cha:Merging: Merging process =============== Once the application has finished, and if the automatic merge process is not setup, the merge must be executed manually. Here we detail how to run the merge process manually. The inserted probes in the instrumented binary are responsible for gathering performance metrics of each task/thread and for each of them several files are created where the XML configuration file specified (see section :ref:`sec:XMLSectionStorage`). Such files are: * As many ``.mpit`` files as tasks and threads were running the target application. Each file contains information gathered by the specified task/thread in raw binary format. * A single ``.mpits`` file that contain a list of related ``.mpit`` files. * If the DynInst based instrumentation package was used, an addition ``.sym`` file that contains some symbolic information gathered by the DynInst library. In order to use |PARAVER|, those intermediate files (*i.e.*, ``.mpit`` files) must be merged and translated into |PARAVER| trace file format. The same applies if the user wants to use the |DIMEMAS| simulator. To proceed with any of these translations, all the intermediate trace files must be merged into a single trace file using one of the available mergers in the ``bin`` directory (see :numref:`tab:MergerDescription`). The target trace type is defined in the XML configuration file used at the instrumentation step (see section :ref:`sec:XMLSectionTraceConfiguration`), and it has to match with the used merger (``mpi2prv`` and ``mpimpi2prv`` for |PARAVER| and ``mpi2dim`` and ``mpimpi2dim`` for |DIMEMAS|). However, it is possible to force the format nevertheless the selection done in the XML file using the parameters ``-paraver`` or ``-dimemas`` [#TIMING]_. .. tabularcolumns:: |l|p{10cm}| .. table:: Description of the available mergers in the |TRACE| package :name: tab:MergerDescription +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | :command:`mpi2prv` | Sequential version of the |PARAVER| merger. | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | :command:`mpi2dim` | Sequential version of the |DIMEMAS| merger. | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | :command:`mpimpi2prv` | Parallel version of the |PARAVER| merger. | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | :command:`mpimpi2dim` | Parallel version of the |DIMEMAS| merger. | +-----------------------+---------------------------------------------+ .. _sec:ParaverMerger: |PARAVER| Merger ---------------- As stated before, there are two |PARAVER| mergers: ``mpi2prv`` and ``mpimpi2prv``. The former is for use in a single processor mode, while the latter is meant to be used with multiple processors using MPI (and cannot be run using one MPI task). |PARAVER| merger receives a set of intermediate trace files and generates three files with the same name (which is set with the :option:`-o` option) but differ in the extension. The |PARAVER| trace itself (.prv file) that contains timestamped records that represent the information gathered during the execution of the instrumented application. It also generates the |PARAVER| Configuration File (.pcf file), which is responsible for translating values contained in the |PARAVER| trace into a more human readable values. Finally, it also generates a file containing the distribution of the application across the cluster computation resources (.row file). .. _subsec:SequentialParaverMerger: Sequential |PARAVER| Merger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These are the available options for the sequential |PARAVER| merger: .. option:: -d, -dump Dumps the information stored in the intermediate trace files. .. option:: -dump-without-time The information dumped with :option:`-d` or :option:`-dump` does not show the timestamp. .. option:: -e Uses the given to translate addresses that are stored in the intermediate trace files into useful information (including function name, source file and line). The application has to be compiled with :option:`-g` flag so as to obtain valuable information. .. note:: Since |TRACE| version 2.4.0 this flag is superseded in Linux systems where :file:`/proc/self/maps` is readable. The instrumentation part will annotate the binaries and shared libraries in use and will try to use them before using . This flag is still available in Linux systems as a default case just in case the binaries and libraries pointed by :file:`/proc/self/maps` are not available. .. option:: -emit-library-events Emit additional events for the source code references that belong to a separate shared library that cannot be translated. Only add information with respect to the shared library name. This option is disabled by default. .. option:: -evtnum Partially processes (up to events) the intermediate trace files to generate the |DIMEMAS| tracefile. .. option:: -f *(where file is generated by the instrumentation)* The merger uses the given file (which contains a list of intermediate trace files of a single executions) instead of giving set of intermediate trace files. This option looks first for each file listed in the parameter file. Each contained file is searched in the absolute given path, if it does not exist, then it's searched in the current directory. .. option:: -f-relative *(where file is generated by the instrumentation)* This options behaves like the :option:`-f` options but looks for the intermediate files in the current directory. .. option:: -f-absolute *(where file is generated by the instrumentation)* This options behaves like the :option:`-f` options but uses the full path of every intermediate file so as to locate them. .. option:: -h Provides minimal help about merger options. .. option:: -keep-mpits, -no-keep-mpits Tells the merger to keep (or remove) the intermediate files after the trace generation. .. option:: -maxmem The last step of the merging process will be limited to use ```` megabytes of memory. By default, ```` is 512. .. option:: -s *(where file is generated with the Dyninst instrumentator)* Passes information regarding instrumented symbols into the merger to aid the |PARAVER| analysis. If :option:`-f`, :option:`-f-relative` or :option:`-f-absolute` paramters are given, the merge process will try to automatically load the symbol file associated to that ```` file. .. option:: -o Choose the name of the target |PARAVER| tracefile, can be compressed with the libz library. If :option:`-o` is not given, the merging process will automatically name the tracefile using the application binary name, if possible. .. option:: -remove-files The merging process removes the intermediate tracefiles when succesfully generating the |PARAVER| tracefile. .. option:: -skip-sendrecv Do not match point to point communications issued by ``MPI_Sendrecv`` or ``MPI_Sendrecv_replace``. .. option:: -sort-addresses Sort event values that reference source code locations so as the values are sorted by file name first and then line number (enabled by default). .. option:: -split-states Do not join consecutive states that are the same into a single one. .. option:: -stop-at-percentage Stops the generation of the tracefile at a given percentage. Accepts integer values from ``1`` to ``99``. All other values disable this option. .. option:: no-syn If set, the merger will not attempt to synchronize the different tasks. This is useful when merging intermediate files obtained from a single node (and thus, share a single clock). .. option:: -syn-by-task If different nodes are used in the execution of a tracing run, there can exist some clock differences on all the nodes. This option makes :option:`mpi2prv` to recalculate all the timings based on the end of the ``MPI_Init`` call. This will usually lead to "synchronized" tasks, but it will depend on how the clocks advance in time. .. option:: -syn-by-node If different nodes are used in the execution of a tracing run, there can exist some clock differences on all the nodes. This option makes :option:`mpi2prv` to recalculate all the timings based on the end of the ``MPI_Init`` call and the node where they ran. This will usually lead to better synchronized tasks than using :option:`-syn-by-task`, but, again, it will depend on how the clocks advance in time. .. option:: -syn-apps If synchronization is enabled, also align all applications at their synchronization points. .. option:: -trace-overwrite, -no-trace-overwrite Tells the merger to overwrite (or not) the final tracefile if it already exists. If the tracefile exists and :option:`-no-trace-overwrite` is given, the tracefile name will have an increasing numbering in addition to the name given by the user. .. option:: -translate-addresses, -no-translate-addresses Identify the calling site of instrumented calls and samples by the specified levels of the callstack (enabled by default); or just by their instruction addresses. .. option:: -translate-data-addresses, -no-translate-data-addresses Identify allocated objects by their full callpath (enabled by default); or just by the tuple . .. option:: -unique-caller-id Choose whether use a unique value identifier for different callers locations (MPI calling routines, user routines, OpenMP outlined routines and pthread routines). .. _subsec:ParallelParaverMerger: Parallel |PARAVER| Merger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ These options are specific to the parallel version of the |PARAVER| merger: .. option:: -block Intermediate trace files will be distributed in a block fashion instead of a cyclic fashion to the merger. .. option:: -cyclic Intermediate trace files will be distributed in a cyclic fashion instead of a block fashion to the merger. .. option:: -size The intermediate trace files will be sorted by size and then assigned to processors in a such manner that each processor receives approximately the same size. .. option:: -consecutive-size Intermediate trace files will be distributed consecutively to processors but trying to distribute the overall size equally among processors. .. option:: -use-disk-for-comms Use this option if your memory resources are limited. This option uses an alternative matching communication algorithm that saves memory but uses intensively the disk. .. option:: -tree-fan-out Use this option to instruct the merger to generate the tracefile using a tree-based topology. This should improve the performance when using a large number of processes at the merge step. Depending on the combination of processes and the width of the tree, the merger will need to run several stages to generate the final tracefile. The number of processes used in the merge process must be equal or greater than the parameter. If it is not, the merger itself will automatically set the width of the tree to the number of processes used. .. _sec:DimemasMerger: |DIMEMAS| merger ---------------- As stated before, there are two |DIMEMAS| mergers: :command:`mpi2dim` and :command:`mpimpi2dim`. The former is for use in a single processor mode while the latter is meant to be used with multiple processors using MPI. In contrast with |PARAVER| merger, |DIMEMAS| mergers generate a single output file with the ``.dim`` extension that is suitable for the |DIMEMAS| simulator from the given intermediate trace files. These are the available options for both |DIMEMAS| mergers: .. option:: -evtnum Partially processes (up to events) the intermediate trace files to generate the |DIMEMAS| tracefile. .. option:: -f *(where file is generated by the instrumentation)* The merger uses the given file (which contains a list of intermediate trace files of a single executions) instead of giving set of intermediate trace files. This option takes only the file name of every intermediate file so as to locate them. .. option:: -f-relative *(where file is generated by the instrumentation)* This options works exactly as the :option:`-f` option. .. option:: -f-absolute *(where file is generated by the instrumentation)* This options behaves like the :option:`-f` option but uses the full path of every intermediate file so as to locate them. .. option:: -h Provides minimal help about merger options. .. option:: -maxmem The last step of the merging process will be limited to use ```` megabytes of memory. By default, M is 512. .. option:: -o Choose the name of the target |DIMEMAS| tracefile. .. _sec:MergerEnvVars: Environment variables --------------------- There are some environment variables that are related to the mergers: .. _subsec:ParaverMergerEnvVars: Environment variables suitable to the |PARAVER| merger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. envvar:: EXTRAE_LABELS Lets the user add custom information to the generated |Paraver| Configuration File (``.pcf``). Just set this variable to point to a file containing labels for the unknown (user) events. The format for the file is: .. code-block:: none EVENT_TYPE 0 [type1] [label1] 0 [type2] [label2] ... 0 [typeK] [labelK] Where ``[typeN]`` is the event value and ``[labelN]`` is the description for the event with value ``[typeN]``. It is also possible to link both type and value of an event: .. code-block:: none EVENT_TYPE 0 [type] [label] VALUES [value1] [label1] [value2] [label2] ... [valueN] [labelN] With this information, |PARAVER| can deal with both type and value when giving textual information to the end user. If |PARAVER| does not find any information for an event/type it will shown it in numerical form. .. envvar:: MPI2PRV_TMP_DIR Points to a directory where all intermediate temporary files will be stored. These files will be removed as soon the application ends. .. _subsec:DimemasMergerEnvVars: Environment variables suitable to the |DIMEMAS| merger ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. envvar:: MPI2DIM_TMP_DIR Points to a directory where all intermediate temporary files will be stored. These files will be removed as soon the application ends. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#TIMING] The timing mechanism differ in |PARAVER|/|DIMEMAS| at the instrumentation level. If the output trace format does not correspond with that selected in the XML some timing inaccuracies may be present in the final tracefile. Such inaccuracies are known to be higher due to clock granularity if the XML is set to obtain |DIMEMAS| tracefiles but the resulting tracefile is forced to be in |PARAVER| format.