.. _cha:InstrumentedRoutines: Instrumented routines ===================== .. _sec:MPIinstrumentedroutines: MPI --- These are the instrumented MPI routines in the |TRACE| package: * MPI_Init * MPI_Init_thread [#MPISUPPORT]_ * MPI_Finalize * MPI_Bsend * MPI_Ssend * MPI_Rsend * MPI_Send * MPI_Bsend_init * MPI_Ssend_init * MPI_Rsend_init * MPI_Send_init * MPI_Ibsend * MPI_Issend * MPI_Irsend * MPI_Isend * MPI_Recv * MPI_Irecv * MPI_Recv_init * MPI_Reduce * MPI_Ireduce * MPI_Reduce_scatter * MPI_Ireduce_scatter * MPI_Allreduce * MPI_Iallreduce * MPI_Barrier * MPI_Ibarrier * MPI_Cancel * MPI_Test * MPI_Wait * MPI_Waitall * MPI_Waitany * MPI_Waitsome * MPI_Bcast * MPI_Ibcast * MPI_Alltoall * MPI_Ialltoall * MPI_Alltoallv * MPI_Ialltoallv * MPI_Allgather * MPI_Iallgather * MPI_Allgatherv * MPI_Iallgatherv * MPI_Gather * MPI_Igather * MPI_Gatherv * MPI_Igatherv * MPI_Scatter * MPI_Iscatter * MPI_Scatterv * MPI_Iscatterv * MPI_Comm_rank * MPI_Comm_size * MPI_Comm_create * MPI_Comm_create_group * MPI_Comm_free * MPI_Comm_dup * MPI_Comm_dup_with_info * MPI_Comm_split * MPI_Comm_split_type * MPI_Comm_spawn * MPI_Comm_spawn_multiple * MPI_Cart_create * MPI_Cart_sub * MPI_Start * MPI_Startall * MPI_Request_free * MPI_Scan * MPI_Iscan * MPI_Sendrecv * MPI_Sendrecv_replace * MPI_File_open [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_close [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_all [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_all_begin [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_all_end [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_at [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_at_all [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_at_all_begin [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_at_all_end [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_ordered [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_ordered_begin [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_ordered_end [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_read_shared [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_all [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_all_begin [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_all_end [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_at [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_at_all [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_at_all_begin [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_at_all_end [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_ordered [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_ordered_begin [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_ordered_end [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_File_write_shared [#MPIIOSUPPORT]_ * MPI_Compare_and_swap [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Fetch_and_op [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Get [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Put [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_complete [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_create [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_fence [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_flush [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_flush_all [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_flush_local [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_flush_local_all [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_free [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_post [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_start [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Win_wait [#MPIRMASUPPORT]_ * MPI_Probe * MPI_Iprobe * MPI_Testall * MPI_Testany * MPI_Testsome * MPI_Request_get_status * MPI_Intercomm_create * MPI_Intercomm_merge * MPI_Graph_create * MPI_Dist_graph_create * MPI_Neighbor_allgather * MPI_Ineighbor_allgather * MPI_Neighbor_allgatherv * MPI_Ineighbor_allgatherv * MPI_Neighbor_alltoall * MPI_Ineighbor_alltoall * MPI_Neighbor_alltoallv * MPI_Ineighbor_alltoallv * MPI_Neighbor_alltoallw * MPI_Ineighbor_alltoall .. _sec:OpenMPruntimesinstrumented: OpenMP ------ .. _subsec:openmpruntimesintel: Intel compilers - icc, iCC, ifort ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The instrumentation of the Intel OpenMP runtime for versions 8.1 to 10.1 is only available using the |TRACE| package based on DynInst library. These are the instrument routines of the Intel OpenMP runtime functions using DynInst: * __kmpc_fork_call * __kmpc_barrier * __kmpc_invoke_task_func * __kmpc_set_lock [#OMPLOCKS]_ * __kmpc_unset_lock [#OMPLOCKS]_ The instrumentation of the Intel OpenMP runtime for version 11.0 to 12.0 is available using the |TRACE| package based on the :envvar:`LD_PRELOAD` and also the DynInst mechanisms. The instrumented routines include: * __kmpc_fork_call * __kmpc_barrier * __kmpc_dispatch_init_4 * __kmpc_dispatch_init_8 * __kmpc_dispatch_next_4 * __kmpc_dispatch_next_8 * __kmpc_dispatch_fini_4 * __kmpc_dispatch_fini_8 * __kmpc_single * __kmpc_end_single * __kmpc_critical [#OMPLOCKS]_ * __kmpc_end_critical [#OMPLOCKS]_ * omp_set_lock [#OMPLOCKS]_ * omp_unset_lock [#OMPLOCKS]_ * __kmpc_omp_task_alloc * __kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0 * __kmpc_omp_task_complete_if0 * __kmpc_omp_taskwait .. _subsec:openmpruntimesibm: IBM compilers - xlc, xlC, xlf ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |TRACE| supports IBM OpenMP runtime 1.6. These are the instrumented routines of the IBM OpenMP runtime: * _xlsmpParallelDoSetup_TPO * _xlsmpParRegionSetup_TPO * _xlsmpWSDoSetup_TPO * _xlsmpBarrier_TPO * _xlsmpSingleSetup_TPO * _xlsmpWSSectSetup_TPO * _xlsmpRelDefaultSLock [#OMPLOCKS]_ * _xlsmpGetDefaultSLock [#OMPLOCKS]_ * _xlsmpGetSLock [#OMPLOCKS]_ * _xlsmpRelSLock [#OMPLOCKS]_ .. _subsec:openmpruntimesgnu: GNU compilers - gcc, g++, gfortran ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |TRACE| supports GNU OpenMP runtime 4.2 and 4.9. These are the instrumented routines of the GNU OpenMP runtime: * GOMP_parallel_start * GOMP_parallel_sections_start * GOMP_parallel_end * GOMP_sections_start * GOMP_sections_next * GOMP_sections_end * GOMP_sections_end_nowait * GOMP_loop_end * GOMP_loop_end_nowait * GOMP_loop_static_start * GOMP_loop_dynamic_start * GOMP_loop_guided_start * GOMP_loop_runtime_start * GOMP_loop_ordered_static_start * GOMP_loop_ordered_dynamic_start * GOMP_loop_ordered_guided_start * GOMP_loop_ordered_runtime_start * GOMP_loop_static_next * GOMP_loop_dynamic_next * GOMP_loop_guided_next * GOMP_loop_runtime_next * GOMP_parallel_loop_static_start * GOMP_parallel_loop_dynamic_start * GOMP_parallel_loop_guided_start * GOMP_parallel_loop_runtime_start * GOMP_barrier * GOMP_critical_start [#OMPLOCKS]_ * GOMP_critical_end [#OMPLOCKS]_ * GOMP_critical_name_start [#OMPLOCKS]_ * GOMP_critical_name_end [#OMPLOCKS]_ * GOMP_atomic_start [#OMPLOCKS]_ * GOMP_atomic_end [#OMPLOCKS]_ * GOMP_task * GOMP_taskwait * GOMP_parallel * GOMP_taskgroup_start * GOMP_taskgroup_end .. sec:pthreadinstrumentedroutines: pthread ------- These are the instrumented routines of the pthread runtime: * pthread_create * pthread_detach * pthread_join * pthread_exit * pthread_barrier_wait * pthread_mutex_lock * pthread_mutex_trylock * pthread_mutex_timedlock * pthread_mutex_unlock .. pthread_cond_* routines seem to be not instrumentable. the application hangs when instrumenting them * pthread_cond_signal * pthread_cond_broadcast * pthread_cond_wait * pthread_cond_timedwait * pthread_rwlock_rdlock * pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock * pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock * pthread_rwlock_wrlock * pthread_rwlock_trywrlock * pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock * pthread_rwlock_unlock .. sec:CUDAinstrumentedroutines: CUDA ---- These are the instrumented CUDA routines in the |TRACE| package: * cudaLaunch * cudaConfigureCall * cudaThreadSynchronize * cudaThreadExit * cudaStreamCreate * cudaStreamCreateWithFlags * cudaStreamCreateWithPriority * cudaStreamSynchronize * cudaStreamDestroy * cudaMemcpy * cudaMemcpyAsync * cudaDeviceReset * cudaDeviceSynchronize The CUDA accelerators do not have memory for the tracing buffers, so the tracing buffer resides in the host side. Typically, the CUDA tracing buffer is flushed at ``cudaThreadSynchronize``, ``cudaStreamSynchronize`` and ``cudaMemcpy`` calls, so it is possible that the tracing buffer for the device gets filled if no calls to this routines are executed. .. sec:OPENACCinstrumentedroutines: These are the instrumented OpenACC routines in the |TRACE| package: * OACC_init * OACC_compute * OACC_data * OACC_data_alloc * OACC_data_update * OACC_launch * OACC_update * OACC_wait .. sec:OPENCLinstrumentedroutines: OpenCL ------ These are the instrumented OpenCL routines in the |TRACE| package: * clBuildProgram * clCompileProgram * clCreateBuffer * clCreateCommandQueue * clCreateContext * clCreateContextFromType * clCreateKernel * clCreateKernelsInProgram * clCreateProgramWithBinary * clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels * clCreateProgramWithSource * clCreateSubBuffer * clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList * clEnqueueBarrier * clEnqueueCopyBuffer * clEnqueueCopyBufferRect * clEnqueueFillBuffer * clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList * clEnqueueMarker * clEnqueueMapBuffer * clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects * clEnqueueNativeKernel * clEnqueueNDRangeKernel * clEnqueueReadBuffer * clEnqueueReadBufferRect * clEnqueueTask * clEnqueueUnmapMemObject * clEnqueueWriteBuffer * clEnqueueWriteBufferRect * clFinish * clFlush * clLinkProgram * clSetKernelArg * clWaitForEvents * clRetainCommandQueue * clReleaseCommandQueue * clRetainContext * clReleaseContext * clRetainDevice * clReleaseDevice * clRetainEvent * clReleaseEvent * clRetainKernel * clReleaseKernel * clRetainMemObject * clReleaseMemObject * clRetainProgram * clReleaseProgram The OpenCL accelerators have small amounts of memory, so the tracing buffer resides in the host side. Typically, the accelerator tracing buffer is flushed at each ``cl_Finish`` call, so it is possible that the tracing buffer for the accelerator gets filled if no calls to this routine are executed. However if the operated OpenCL command queue is tagged as not Out-of-Order, then flushes will also happen at ``clEnqueueReadBuffer``, ``clEnqueueReadBufferRect`` and ``clEnqueueMapBuffer`` if their corresponding blocking parameter is set to true. .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#MPISUPPORT] The MPI library must support this routine .. [#MPIIOSUPPORT] The MPI library must support MPI/IO routines .. [#MPIRMASUPPORT] The MPI library must support 1-sided (or RMA -remote memory address-) routines .. [#OMPLOCKS] The instrumentation of OpenMP locks can be enabled/disabled